Issa grabs spotlight as recall drive revs up
June 22, 2003
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press attention," says Kevin Spillane, a GOP strategist. And Simon, with name recognition and a loyal following among the GOP grassroots, "may be the strongest candidate -- he's being underestimated yet again."
Whatever the GOP grassroots decide, Issa says he'll have no regrets.
"If I'm not their choice, I don't need the job so badly that I can't step aside if, in fact, a process says there's a better candidate," he said.
"I want the job, though," he adds. "And I want the job very badly."
Republicans are attempting to oust Gov. Gray Davis through a recall election. But first, they must collect signatures from voters.
The numbers:
-- 897,158 -- signatures needed from registered voters.
-- 1.1 million -- estimated signatures needed to be collected, enough to account for any invalid signatures.
-- 429,531 -- signatures that recall organizers say they turned in to county registrars last week for verification.
-- 800,000 -- amount they claim to have collected in total, with about 370, 000 in the "pipeline" being processed.
The dates:
-- Monday and July 23 -- Secretary of State Kevin Shelley reports progress of signature gathering.
-- Aug. 22 -- considered the final point to certify all signatures in time to trigger a special election in October or November.
-- Sept. 2 -- drop-dead signature deadline, triggering either a special election or March 2 vote if successful.
The money
-- $795,000 -- amount donated so far by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County) to recall effort.
-- $1,005,714 -- amount raised in large donations by Rescue California recall committee.
-- $1,179,001 -- amount raised in large donations by Taxpayers Against the Governor's Recall committee.
More information:
Source: secretary of state; Chronicle research
Darrell Issa, interviewed by The Chronicle last weekend, speaking about some of the major issues of the potential gubernatorial recall campaign:
-- On his position on abortion: "In 1997 . . . I said I have a considerable problem trying to balance my belief that the unborn are, in fact, human beings, and my own grandmother dying from an infection due to an abortion. And knowing that both have to be dealt with, we have to promote respect for the unborn, and we also have to protect women from being without choice and without hope and opportunity."
On allegations he has violated campaign finance laws by soliciting supporters, including the Morongo Band of Mission Indians' chair, for substantial donations to support the recall: "Every meeting I've been in . . . I have said I am bound by McCain-Feingold (law) not to ask for more than $2, 000. . . . I'm clearly making sure people understand I'm not asking for (the money) . . . and there is no ban on my giving my own money away."
On whether he would still run for governor if the recall measure is on the ballot in March: "If I couldn't get the signatures done in July to qualify this (for a special election this year), then I would not consider myself a candidate for governor. Now, if the governor uses legal maneuvering to slow the process, obviously, I'm not a quitter. And I'm going to react to that kind of activity with even more gusto, no matter when the election is . . . I'm not a career politician that's afraid of being out of a job. So my decision to do anything is not based on keeping a seat."
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